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Welcome to Vaggan Tea

Vaggan Tea is a premium quality tea brand that aims is to bring the perfect tasting tea experience with best-chosen leaves which directly comes from the tea garden of Assam, Darjeeling and Siliguri to serve you the essence of freshness and an extraordinary cup of tea every day. The taste helps to spread warmth and cheer in your family.

Our Tea Products

Vaggan Tea

This is the unmistakable full flavor of Vaggan tea is what makes our signature tea. Savor the wonderfully rich and refreshing leaves of tea gardens. The perfect blend of tea leaves, milk, and sugar to give you a consistent cup of goodness.

कुछ खास किस्म औऱ उन्नत बग्गानो का चाय ही नही, दार्जीलिंग के हवाओ की खुशबु जो चाय मे सोंधा सा अहसास भर देता है। औऱ साथ मे हिमालय की पहाड़ियों की महक जो इस चाय मे अलग से मिठास घोल देता है।

Kohinoor Tea

Finest tea leaves have been discovered to give you the uniqueness of this flavor. Plunge into waves of smooth perfection and get restored by the fresh hotness of Vaggan Kohinoor tea. Go out and get yourself the ideal chill mate on a hot, frenzied day.

हमारा एक छोटा सा प्रस्ताव उन परिवारों के लिए जिन्हे चाय के साथ आसाम के खूबसूरत वादियों की गामक और वहा की मिटी की खुशबु को समेट कर कोहिनूर के रूप मे आपके सुबह और शाम का तलब।

Gold tea

Gold Tea

For making it as like as gold, everything begins with handpicking the best leaves from tea gardens in North India which awaken your mood with the rich smell and taste of Vaggan Gold Tea each morning.

हम सभी का बिस्वा और भरोसा एक नये चाय के रूप मे, जो आसाम के उची उची पहाड़ियों के उनत्त बग्गानो का ब्लेंड, जो आपके तन मन मे नया जोश जगाये।

Royal Tea

With Royal Tea, we are looking forward to bring the royal taste of tea into your cup. Royal Milk Tea, is specially made with Assam or Darjeeling tea leaves and milk. To suit your taste you can also add more ingredients like sugar or honey. It’s a tasty beverage to serve when you have friends and family over for snacks and Beverage time.

आपका शाही अंदाज औऱ चाय का जो आपके नज़रिया को शाही बनता है। आपके शाही शौख के लिए आसाम रीजन के उन्नत बग्गानो का चाय जो आपको एक नया शाही टेस्ट का अहसास दिलाता है।

Royal tea
Luxury Tea

Luxury Tea

With Royal Tea, we are looking forward to bring the royal taste of tea into your cup. Royal Milk Tea, is tea specially made with Assam or Darjeeling tea leaves and milk. To suit your taste you can also add more ingredients like sugar or honey. It’s a tasty beverage to serve when you have friends and family over for snacks and Beverage time.

कुछ खास किस्म औऱ उन्नत बग्गानो का चाय ही नही, दार्जीलिंग के हवाओ की खुशबु जो चाय मे सोंधा सा अहसास भर देता है। औऱ साथ मे हिमालय की पहाड़ियों की महक जो इस चाय मे अलग से मिठास घोल देता है।

Vaggan Tea Build Your Base

Vaggan Tea

We understand that one of the biggest challenges for any and every single organization irrespective of its size & turnover is to get access into the new markets in a timely and cost-effective manner.